Title Download
PCN_F02/2012 - New reference numbers (12NC) and order data of epoxy coated toroids (TX)
PCN_F01/2012 - Ferroxfoil EMI absorber cancelled from Ferroxcube's standard range
PCN_F13/2011 - Toroids manufacturing location and 12NC change
PCN_F12/2011 - Coating specification change in 63 mm diameter toroids
PCN_F11/2011 - Wideband chokes (WBC) manufacturing location and 12NC change
PCN_F10/2011 - TUB3.7/1.2/3.5-4A1 replacement
PCN_F09/2011 - Ferroxfoil EMI absorber sheet manufacturing location and 12NC change
PCN_F08/2011 - SMD wideband chokes (WBS) manufacturing location and 12NC change

PCN_F08/2011 - SMD wideband chokes (WBS) manufacturing location and 12NC change

PCN_F07/2011 - Powder cores manufacturing location and 12NC change
PCN_F06/2011 - SMD common mode chokes (CMS) manufacturing location and 12NC change
Total 55 Items